E3 alongside Reed Smith’s Learning and Development and Risk & Compliance teams collaborated to tailor content in the E3 Learning Hub for Reed Smith’s EMEA staff, with Anti-money laundering training going live at the start of October.
The E3 platform enables the course to be played on a wide range of mobile devices including laptops, tablets and smart phones. Each module delivers bite-sized learning that incorporates techniques widely used in the mobile games industry such as high score tables and avatars, which have proven to enhance user engagement and learning levels in e-learning programs.
Katrina Watson, Learning and Development Manager EMEA, said:
“This is a very different way of delivering compliance training for us and it has been great working with the E3 team to tailor the content for our specific needs. The feedback we have already had from individuals around the region has been really positive, with many finding the training enjoyable, fun and a good way to learn. We are looking forward to working with E3 in to 2021 to deliver a range of suitable courses to enable our staff to meet the regulatory requirements.”
Steve Brett, co-founder of E3, added:
“We are excited to deliver training with Reed Smith who are operating in a global market with the complexities this brings for the compliance teams. Compliance training is at the forefront of many legal organisations, yet the methods for training have not evolved to keep pace.
At E3 we have a different approach. We use our operations and gaming industry experience to leverage the same ideas and insights that keep players engaged with many popular games and apply them to compliance training, and the results speak for themselves.
We consistently see over 90 percent of voluntary participation of our courses with more than 70 percent redoing their training (again voluntarily!) at least once to improve their score. Traditional courses generally achieve around 30% of voluntary completion with zero repeats. Our approach drives better learning outcomes and shows the power of successfully incorporating gamification into e-Learning.
Our training is supported by robust analytics that allows managers and compliance officers to easily interpret learning results into meaningful data to ensure their compliance obligations are being met.”
We are looking forward to rolling out further training courses in 2021.