
Fair Treatment of Vulnerable Customers

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) estimates that 27.7 million adults in the UK are in circumstances that could make them vulnerable.

In our last week’s session for ‘Compliance for financial services’, a great topic was discussed: FCA regulations on vulnerable customers. This was led by our guest speaker Helen Pettifer, Vulnerable Customer Expert along with the hosts Steve Brett and Kate Jones

‘Compliance Culture’

In this week’s Compliance for Law Firms session, Steve Brett and Kate Burt, spoke about the differences between a healthy and toxic compliance culture and what firms can do to improve.

Two lawyers walk into a bar

We are often asked about why our courses are engaging. It’s something we have worked hard at from the outset. Indeed it is the reason E3 was born. Let me illustrate the impact we have with a real life experience told to me by a customer.

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